Know the Difference between a Low Cost Power Inverter and the More Expensive Models

Generally, there are two general types of power inverters: true-sine wave or modified sine wave. power is produced by the True-sine wave inverters. This poser is either identical or sometimes better as the public utility power. Through an oscilloscope when the power wave is viewed then it becomes a smooth sine wave. In the market modified-sine wave and square wave inverters are the most common types of power inverters USA . Modified-sine wave power inverters generate a power wave that is sufficient for most devices. The power wave is not at all same as electricity from the power grid. Appearing as a choppy squared-off wave, it has a waveform when viewed through an oscilloscope. Our customers who run a laptop, a/c cell phone charger, fan, or camera are using a power inverter have seen that the easiest to use is a modified-sine wave power inverter operating through the cigarette lighter socket. Despite using the 12-volt cigarette lighter socket found in most vehicles we usuall...